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Set Sail with a Technology Staffing Leader

Delivering IT & Software Engineering Solutions Since 1980

The Computer Merchant, Ltd. (TCM) has provided Information Technology solutions and enterprise staffing services to Fortune 1000, mid to small sized corporations, as well as Federal, state, and local governments for over 30 years.

From our recruiting centers in Boston, New York, Reston and Dallas, we serve employers and IT professionals throughout the United States. The Computer Merchant provides people with the knowledge, experience and both industry and application expertise to enable our clients to manage their technical infrastructures more efficiently, more productively and less expensively.

A career at TCM would mean that your ideas would always be welcome and your success within your role is equivalent to the passion and energy you bring to it. We provide you with the tools you need to be successful and offer an environment to start, or continue developing, your career path. The more you hone your skills and knowledge, the more opportunities you will have available to you.

Join The Computer Merchant Talent Network today and stay up-to-date on our openings as they continue to become available!

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Talent Networks enhance your job search and application process. Whether you choose to apply or just leave your information, we look forward to staying connected with you.

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